From Invitation to Blessings

By Dorothy Wong, Manager of Partner Relations

I often get asked how I got involved with TCM. It was a long journey but to sum it all up in one phrase, the answer would be "I was invited". Looking back there are many things that I would not have experienced if God had not prompted someone to invite me to take part. Albeit, somethings I wish I could have done without (i.e. anything sports related) but my passion for the poor and the disadvantaged may not have grown if people had not asked me to join them. I get so excited when someone asks me to partner with them through prayers, finances, or my time and I would hate to think of the blessings that I would miss out on by not responding.

How is God inviting you to take part in His Kingdom work? Is there someone He has placed on your heart to bless by giving them the opportunity to partner with you?