
By Naomi Van De Visch (Communications Coordinator)

I have been learning a lot about gratitude recently. This week alone, I have been moved to tears a number of times both by; gratitude to God for His faithfulness and, gratitude to others for allowing God to use them to be conduits of God’s love and provision for me and my family.

I’m forced to reflect…why is it that during this time of my life, I’m overflowing with gratitude but there are many times that I simply move through life without consciously acknowledging God’s goodness to me. It seems that I feel the most gratitude when I am forced into complete dependence on God.

As I look back over my life, I see a pattern. God puts me into situations where I’m forced to call out to Him for help…I’m completely poor…spiritually, emotional, physically, financially…and then miraculously, out of no power or ability of my own, God provides just what I need when I need it! And I am grateful…I wish there was a better word to describe it…the feeling of being so loved; so provided for; so safe. God has shown me again and again that He loves me, He is faithful and He will provide.

My husband was diagnosed with skin cancer, God healed him…gratitude. We lost two babies before we had the chance to meet them, God comforted us…gratitude. We welcomed a beautiful baby girl and discovered she had a heart-defect; God healed and comforted…gratitude. God called my husband to step down from his job, we are financially pressed; God provides…gratitude. God calls us into new and exciting adventures even though we don’t know where our income will come from; God promises to provide…gratitude.

Whenever I experience doubt, all I need to do is look back over my life and remember the times that God has provided, comforted, healed, etc. and I know He can be trusted. I guess that’s why the Israelites were often encouraged to “remember”. Remembering leads to gratitude and gratitude leads to trust.

Psalm 105:1-5
Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.
Remember the wonders he has done