An Interview with Two Sweet Little Girls...

By: Michelle Lau - Outreach Worker in St. James Town

I recently interviewed Sarah* and Melissa* to find out what they thought about KIC, our after school program. Sarah is 7 years old and Melissa is 8. These were their own words:

Q: When did you start coming to KIC?
Melissa: September something?
Sarah: Um...I don't remember
(They both started coming in September this year. Time flies when you're having fun!)

Q: Why do you come to KIC?
M: Because my grandma left to the Philippines, so there's no one gonna babysit me.
S: Because my mom has to go to work now, and my dad has to go to work, so they can't take me.

Q: Do you like coming to KIC?
M & S (in unison): YES!

Q: Why do you like coming to KIC?
S: Because it's fun, and I like how we do Bible
M: And we like to learn about Jesus and God

Q: Is there anything else that you like to do at KIC?
S: Basketball
M: Basketball

Q: What's your favourite story in the Bible so far?
S: Joseph!
M: Joseph!
(The story of Joseph and his brothers was the Bible lesson that week. Read about what the kids in Flemingdon Park did on Felicia's blog post)

Q: Why should other kids come to KIC?
M: Because!
S: Because it's lots of fun, and you get to learn stuff

*names have been changed