In All Things, God Is in Control

By Abigaille Alpay, Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway

In the Spring of 2019, I decided to apply for TCM’s summer internship. I wanted to gain more experience working with children because I’ve only had experience through Sunday School and volunteering at elementary schools. I remember sending in my resumé in the beginning of February hoping to find a summer job, only to hear back that they had received much more applications than there were spots for interns. I was a bit discouraged with the news, but I trusted that God would make a way for me to have a job in the summer. After a week, I received an email that there was an available spot and that they would like to interview me. I couldn’t believe it. TCM had offered me the position, and little did I know that God had so much in store for me.

Over the course of the summer, I felt God's guidance and wisdom pour out and I gained so much experience. By the end of the summer, I felt a yearning to continue serving the Kingston-Galloway (KG) community in some way. I decided I wanted to volunteer in the fall time, however, God had other plans for me. I informed Carmen (Outreach Worker in Kingston-Galloway) about my desire to volunteer, and a couple of days later, Elliott (Acting Executive Director) asked me if I had wanted to work as an Outreach Worker. I couldn’t believe that I was offered this opportunity because it wasn’t what I originally planned to do. However, I gladly accepted. Presently, I still work as an Outreach Worker in the Kingston-Galloway community, and I plan to apply for the summer internship program once again.

God is so good in all that He has been doing in my life this past year. He has provided me with resources, wisdom and relationships to teach and reach out to the children in the KG community. The children in the community have also taught and continue to teach and soften my heart. Through all of this, and presently, God’s hands continue to steer and direct me. In Romans 8:28 it says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” I believe that God’s purpose will always prevail over my own plans in life.

In all things, God is in control.