Season of Faith and Maturity

By: Maim Cho, Summer Intern at St. James Town

My name is Maim, I currently study Hospitality and Tourism Management at Ryerson University. This summer will be my second time working at Toronto City Mission. I’m very excited to be back for another summer because last summer was a life changing experience for me. Getting to my interview for the position this year, just like last year, I was certain that God was leading me to TCM to grow and mature in Him through the events and the relationships that he will perfectly engineer.

During this season, I’m challenged to have faith in God, not only for the things far ahead but also for the things happening right now. God is teaching me to take every step being attentive to Him. Just before I started my internship at TCM, I was greatly humbled by God as I took on multiple responsibilities in life, in the areas of school, church, work, and relationships. The reason why I was humbled was because I tried to do well in these areas in my life, solely depending on my own strength and understanding and not on His. I became fearful, nervous, anxious and bitter as I took on all the burdens that God had entrusted to me. After this experience, He is just leading me to a simple truth:

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.’
- John 15:4

God’s focus was not and will never be on how well I perform on my own. Instead, He delights in me when I remain in Him in all areas of my life, walking intimately with Him and bearing fruit wherever I will be. I look forward to this fruitful season growing and sharing the love of Christ with the campers and everyone whom I come across this summer.

Maim is returning to St. James Town for another adventurous summer. He is looking forward to learn more about God’s heart for the campers and the city of Toronto.