Much to Give

“I’m not sure what our financial affairs will be like when this turmoil in the stock market settles but for now we are okay. It is so important that young people have Christian guidance.” We received these encouraging words along with a financial gift from an elderly couple. What a beautiful reminder of what it means to give out of their trust in God’s love in them and their love for others to know Him. At this time, we are all facing a time of uncertainty but these acts of generosity are showing what we humans are meant to be. As God’s creation, made in His image, our purpose in life is to reflect who He is and give praise back to Him.

This can remind us of the early church when the believers shared everything they had and no one lacked. (Acts 4:32-36) And in the previous chapter Peter and John, despite not having any silver or gold, still had something to offer. They gave what they had which was power in the risen Christ that could make a lame person walk. (Acts 3:6) As our staff reach out to the families that God has entrusted us with, one staff shared that they were blessed by the prayers of one family and the care and concern of others. Our families, despite not having much financially, know that they still have something to give and did not shy away from being generous with what they have, words of encouragement and kindness.

There is great need in our neighbourhood, in our city, in our country and in the world right now. All of humanity is facing this virus together and at the same time we also all have something to give in the midst of this virus. We can reach out to those that are most vulnerable with a phone call or seek to volunteer to deliver groceries. Greet our neighbours with a wave or gentle head nod when we happen to be out. Most of all, we have the gift of Jesus Christ to share. We can offer an invitation to our Lord and good Shepherd who supplies us with all that we need and even more!