My Experience at Toronto City Mission
“Little children, let us not love in word or talk
but in deed and in truth.”
I recently completed my field experience with TCM and I can say it was a rewarding experience. I did not only grow personally, and professionally, but spiritually as well.
I enjoyed the idea of implementing Bible teaching and prayer in whatever I was involved in. This helped me step out of my comfort zone especially when it came to praying in groups. Over the years I have found it difficult to pray loudly in groups and preferred praying alone with no one else hearing me, but at TCM in our team meetings we each had a chance to pray for one another and I participated.
My placement at TCM also enabled me to do what I enjoy, which was helping and supporting children in the Jesse-Ketchum community. It was fulfilling for me to support the children there, speak to them about Jesus and play games with them, and learn from them.
I learned that leading is not about taking control, but it is about working together with others and setting an example for the kids to follow. For example, letting kids know that as a leader I am just as human as them and that even though I may be older than them, I still respect them. For me, it was meaningful to see how hungry the kids were for the Word of God. I was amazed at how much they knew about God and abiding by his word.
Apart from all this, I was privileged to work with an amazing team who was super supportive from the very beginning, right up to the end of my placement. Keep up the great work helping those in need and teaching the gospel to them.
Thank you, Toronto City Mission
Eustacia Morris