
Divine Ownership: Surrendering All to God

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
— Colossians 1:16

My journey with TCM began when I reached out via a cold email. I was interested in volunteering in their EPIC program because I wanted to be actively involved in the community. Due to timing, I had a couple of months to think about committing after speaking with TCM. I started getting cold feet because the site was a bit far from me and I had no way of getting there as my car hadn’t arrived yet, having been on the waitlist for 1.5 years. One random night, I prayed and asked God to show me if this was where He wanted me to serve in this season. The next day, I got an email from TCM asking if I was still interested in volunteering in the fall. Despite not having a means of transportation, I accepted in obedience and believed that this was from God. Three weeks later, I received confirmation that my car had finally arrived just in time for volunteering! His timing is perfect, He is perfect.

The children at Flemingdon Park have taught me a lot just by interacting with them. My focus is strongly oriented towards education and the child that I’m currently tutoring has shown me that simply spending time with them consistently and with undivided attention is what they need. I’ve learned to be their friend.

Throughout my time volunteering at TCM, I’ve experienced God in so many ways. I see His love through the children, outreach workers, and other volunteers. God has reminded me that materialistic things don’t matter, everyone’s biggest longing is to be loved unconditionally and only God can satisfy us.

I love that I get to pray for the children and know what’s going on in their lives. I get to pray for the outreach workers and they get to pray for me. The life I live is not about me (Galatians 2:20). Everything we have belongs to God, whether it’s our careers, possessions, skills, or time. Our hearts belong to God. It’s everyone’s calling to do God’s work- to be workers in the harvest field (Matthew 9:35-38; Ephesians 2:10). When we stop focusing on ourselves, God will show us the bigger picture. We’re just distracted right now.

Blossom's Volunteer Testimony

On Mondays (prior to the pandemic), Blossom would be working downtown at a children’s hospital. She would be working with families in the neonatal intensive care unit to understand and learn how to best support entire families by providing the best quality of life for their sick child.  After a full day of work, she would head to southeast Scarborough-the community of Kingston-Galloway to be specific-to volunteer at Toronto City Mission’s (TCM) EPIC (Education Provided in Community) tutoring program.  There she would meet with her student Ashley and spend one hour helping her with her homework.

So how did Blossom end up where she is today? Back in 2009, she went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic where she worked with a homeless population that included children.  This experience led her to change her area of study from psychology and education of children to focusing on the medical and health needs of children.  Her shift in focus was solidified as she went on another mission trip in 2016 to Rawanda which exposed her to the lives of parents in sex work, living with AIDs, and families in dire situations where children were in desperate need of medical help.

Fast forward a couple of years, Blossom was looking for an opportunity to work with children specifically in the area of education.  Her father shared with her about TCM and their EPIC tutoring program.  The idea of one-on-one tutoring, and the opportunity to build a relationship with a child who is impacted by poverty really appealed to her.  After going through the volunteer application process, she started in January of this year and was matched with Ashley.  

Ashley is an energetic child who is always full of life and questions.  Due to certain exceptionalities Ashley often found it hard to focus. This caused her to fall behind in her academic learning.  Over time, that one hour of tutoring went from constantly asking Ashley to come back to the table, to her being excited to learn with different resources provided by TCM staff.  Ashley now has a stronger foundation in math and is learning to love reading.

During the time of COVID-19, Blossom’s time with Ashley moved from in person to online.  During that time Blossom and TCM Outreach Worker Carmen saw answered prayers as God helped Ashley become more focused and engaged in her homework.  Small improvements were noticed each time.  God also opened doors for Blossom to connect with Ashley’s mom Annette.  Not only was a positive relationship being formed between Blossom and Ashley, but also with Annette as well.

“I would encourage others to join in the work of Toronto City Mission.  It is a small time commitment but very rewarding, developing relationships and seeing the kids succeed.” - Blossom

Life as a TLC

By Elita Fung, Outreach Workers in St. James Town


Isaac* is a young man in our programs. He not only attends Youth Extreme (our youth drop-in), and EPIC tutoring, but he is also part of our Teens Leading Communities program (TLC) and volunteers with the kids. Isaac is unassuming and quiet, but as I slowly hear stories from the kids and his peers, I can see his servant heart. I asked Isaac a few questions about his plans:

Q. When did you start attending programs?
A. In grade 7, Junior Extreme

Q. Why did you choose to be a TLC and why did you stick with it for these past 5 years?
A. I chose to be a TLC because I wanted to experience being a leader. I stuck with it for 5 years because I grew into liking it more and it’s fun.

Q. How has your experience as a TLC shaped your decisions for college?
A. My experience as a TLC shaped my decisions for college because I love working with kids and [at first] I didn’t picture myself working with kids in the future…[Since] being a TLC I want to do ECE (Early Childhood Education) and to continue working with children.

Q. How else has the TLC program been a blessing to you?
A. The TLC program has been a blessing to me because I get to lead and teach the kids and at the same time I am learning too. I also love the kids and they put a smile on my face no matter what.

Q. What is your dream for the future?
A. My dream is to build up a family and live a decent life and teach my kids and other kids the stuff I’ve done during my childhood.

Isaac will be starting his ECE program in September.

*name changed