A Growing Process

By PJ, Outreach Worker in St. James Town

PJ leading the teens into worship

PJ leading the teens into worship

What is salvation? Did God create the universe? Is the Bible more than just stories and rules? What is my identity in this world? These are all types of questions that the teens at Youth Extreme would ask.

One way that we are blessed through the Youth Extreme program is how the teens can be open and honest about how they feel towards God, the Bible, and Christian living. I am grateful for their courage to ask all sorts of questions. I don't always have the answers for them, but in the end of it I think it’s okay and that we don’t need to know everything. It creates an open discussion amongst the teens and volunteers on what we think about God and the Bible. It shows that we are all imperfect and a work in progress.

My prayer is that these teens would continue this journey after TCM. It’s great that they come to Youth Extreme and have great discussions but I pray that they will theywill take initiative and look into what the Word is saying to them and apply it to their lives. They may not find answers right away but a relationship with God means a growing process.