Sparking Hope at Role Model Moms
By Leah, Role Model Moms Spark Ambassador
Leah (right) feels encouraged while volunteering at RMM
I'm so proud of the women who show up to Role Model Moms, willing to sacrifice time, energy, and effort to reach their goals. They are strong, courageous, and intelligent - so much so that they hardly need me to tutor, and sometimes they have to re-teach me, (long division was too long ago!). I hope that I'm an encouragement and cheerleader for them, sitting side by side, working in hopes that what they're learning will supernaturally be recalled and applied in their exams.
I first heard about Role Model Moms through Chiara when she was trying to decide if she should works for Toronto City Mission. Both my husband and I were working for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship with Toronto high school students and were fully supported by donors. It takes faith to believe that God will provide all your needs, and that seeking His kingdom first brings full, real life to you and the people you serve and love. I knew Chiara would be an amazing fit, as she is such a genuine, caring, and encouraging person. I also knew how hard it is to raise support and work an unconventional job - it affects your finances, career, friends, and family. We prayed for her and waited for her to make a decision, and were delighted that she took the job as the teacher for the Role Model Mom's program.
I had a baby and decided to quit Inter-Varsity. I have always volunteered and was looking for something I could use my gifts and time in, but it's hard to find a volunteer placement and figure out childcare. The opportunity to volunteer with RMM seemed like the perfect fit. There was a need, they had available childcare, and I missed using the analytical part of my brain. I love math because it's like a riddle, and I get a rush when I get the right answer. It's even more exciting seeing someone else succeed and smile, with a confidence boost and eager to try what's next. It's an added bonus that Iris loves playing with the other kids and the childcare workers!
God has a plan, and uses people who are willing to give the little they have so He can show his power. I see the love Chiara has for God and these moms, and know that this program is making a difference. It's not just about passing the GED, Role Model Moms builds community and is a platform for students to share life and faith together. It is building confidence in me as my identity went through a major overhaul after becoming a mother. I know how much I appreciate encouragement and people who believe in me, and I hope these women know that God has a plan for their life, will supply all their needs, and will give them strength.
Leah has been a volunteer tutor every Monday in our Role Model Moms classroom since September 2017. In addition to balancing motherhood and full-time employment as a licensed tutoring service manager, Leah still finds the time to work one on one with our students to maximize mathematical meaning. Leah works individually with our Moms to help navigate the intimidating, sinister world of mathematics. We are so blessed to have such a lovely, intelligent woman dedicated to building the skills and confidence required for our students to excel in mathematics. Leah and her husband, Jared, also support Chiara financially and through prayer.