God Is Always At Work
By Rebecca, Outreach Worker in St. James Town
Kids in KIC at St. James Town
When the ministry feels stagnant and there is no astonishing growth to show for long hours of hard work, on days I don’t receive extraordinary answers to prayer, He is still glorified in my faithful pursuit of Him. ~ Katie Davis Majors
“I saw your video!”
I halted, and turned to the child from our programs, “Which video?”
“The one where the room is purple,” she replied.
I knew exactly which video she was referring to. About five years ago, I created a video about how Jesus had radically changed my life and posted it on Facebook. TCM saw the video and asked if they could share it on their YouTube page, I agreed to it. This child had been searching up “Sonshine Day Camp” on YouTube and had come across the video of me. The amazing thing is that there have been a handful of kids in the last five years at all the different sites I’ve been at that have found that video and told me that they watched it, always referring to it as “the purple room video!”
When this child approached me, I had been struggling with discouragement about feeling like I was in a spiritually dry season of ministry. I had not been seeing God work much through me and around me, compared to previous seasons when I had been so in awe of all the obvious, extraordinary things He was doing. But this incident was a gentle reminder from God that He is always working to glorify Himself through me, even when it may not seem like I am getting to share with these children all that I would like to share about Jesus. He showed me that my job is not to be the “producer of fruit”, but to be obedient and faithful in the present. It’s HIS job to produce the fruit, and I needed to learn to trust that He is always doing just that.
My mind was blown as I realized that God was still using that video from five years ago for His glory. I had not realized when posting it that it would have reached some of the kids I was going to work with at TCM. My prayer is that all these children that have seen this video would understand the impact that Jesus can have on a person’s life, and want that for themselves as well.
Watch Rebecca's "purple room video" here.