God's Perfect Timing

It often seems that God’s timing intersects with our lives in a way that surprises us but also, upon reflection, brings a quiet inner affirmation that the timing was perfect. This was the case for me when I was recently asked to join the Board of the Toronto City Mission.

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Upon retirement, I began praying that God would give me opportunities to serve in His Kingdom, in ways that would allow me to both learn and contribute. During the last 15 years of my working life, I had had the privilege of serving the poor around the world as a Senior Project Manager in the disaster response team of a Christian charity. I thought that focusing locally would be appropriate now, and I had begun a process of learning about First Nations issues and had begun volunteering with some local Christian charities. Then Steve Chu (TCM Board Member) phoned and invited me to consider joining the board of TCM, 15 years after I had served as TCM’s Executive Director. The timing and opportunity resonated, and so I said yes, I would be honoured to join the board.

Toronto City Mission’s vision of seeing families impacted by poverty leading transformed lives and its mission of building loving relationships which through God’s transformational power will bring hope to children and families impacted by poverty is more important than ever! Lasting positive change in the lives of the poor often begins when their self-image improves as a result of a loving relationship that enhances their dignity and affirms their potential.

Toronto City Mission’s core values of compassion, expressed through personal relationships, which recognize the dignity of every person are critical to meaningful positive change. And implementing all programs with integrity is the best way to connect aspiration to implementation.

I feel privileged to, once again, be part of Toronto City Mission as we continue the ministry to the poor that began in 1879, 140 years ago. Our strategies have changed with the changing city over these many decades, but the desire to share God’s love with families impacted by poverty has remained strong. May God continue to bless Toronto City Mission as we seek to bring hope to many struggling families in the decades ahead.