His Living Word
We’ve been going through the life of Joseph with the kids for our Bible lessons during KIC. So far, we’ve covered his outcasted life with his brothers all the way up to their reunion with Joseph being the second in command of all of Egypt, and his brothers at his feet asking for food.
Preparing my biweekly Bible lessons is one of the many new things I have been becoming accustomed to as a part of my schedule. Reading and examining the passage, planning how to spread it out throughout the week, and brainstorming ways to engage and help the kids learn something more about the Bible and God’s character are a few parts of my process as I prepare the lessons. As I read Genesis more intentionally with greater efforts and deeper thought, my mind is endlessly wondering how God will reveal Himself to the children that week and what He’ll teach them. There have surely been some days where I’m unclear of what that would be and how He would do it, or what it’ll look like and how I could even convey any of it to them. How could I make Joseph’s life remotely relatable enough to theirs? How would I explain the importance of rules to them in a way so they can see and understand God better? Are they even listening to me? Because they definitely are not always looking at me.
Illustrated by Grady, one of TCM’s youth volunteers from Flemingdon Park
But beyond teaching the kids about who God is and what the Bible says, God reminds me that it is not just the children who need to know Him better. He reminds me how, though it is good to think of the kids and desire for their hearts to know Him more, it is just as important to ask those same questions about myself in my own life. What could I learn about God this week through Joseph’s story? How is this passage relevant to my life? Am I even paying attention? Because I definitely am not always looking toward God. But despite that, in His grace and in gentleness and love, God continuously reaches me through the very own passages I go over with the children and helps me learn and relearn what I attempt to pass on to the kids. Scripture is always relevant. God is always working, never sleeping. Open a Bible after closing this tab. What is He wanting to reveal to you today?