How God Guided Me To TCM

By: Kaylin Lee, Summer Office Intern

Hi all! My name’s Kaylin Lee and I will be joining TCM for the summer as the office intern. I recently finished up my first year at the University of Waterloo, in the Global Business and Digital Arts (GBDA) program.  Looking back, I can really see how God has guided my educational path, and how He led me to TCM. If you looked at the courses I took in high school, an arts program seems like the last thing you’d expect. I took the maths and sciences, mainly because I had no idea what career path I wanted, and I needed to keep my options open. I sent out applications to almost every type of program – science, business, and arts. Even with just a few months left of high school, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do.

I kept asking myself: What do I like? What am I good at? But the answers were all over the place and it didn’t point me in any clear direction. The question that I didn’t ask was, How can I serve God in my career? Even though I didn't take a God-centered approach to my dilemma, God knew my needs and answered. Slowly but surely, I found reasons to conclude that the programs I applied to would not be a good fit for me. After eliminating the other options, I was left with Global Business and Digital Arts.

Fast forward to the present, and I’m happy with the program choice I made. I had fun learning graphic design, Photoshop, and user experience, as well as taking business courses. When I heard about the office intern position with TCM, I felt that my new skills would be a good fit for the job. If I had gone into any of the other programs I was considering, I don't think I would be here with TCM now. There were times during the school year where I seriously questioned whether the GBDA program was right for me. I almost considered switching out at one point. Getting the summer internship at TCM has reassured me that I made the right program choice. I’m so glad that I found a way to use my newfound skills to serve God, and I'm excited to see where God’s plan will take me next.

This is Kaylin’s first year serving as a summer office intern. She will be assisting with TCM’s communications and administration, and hopes to grow in her faith as she represents TCM.