TLC Enthusiasm

By Jeff, Outreach Worker in Willowtree


One cool thing about our group of Teens Leading Communities (TLC) this year is how enthusiastic they are to be with the kids at Kids in Community (KIC) after school program and how the kids have received that. We witness how the desire of the TLCs to engage with the kids through activities such as soccer and other games has helped kids to be more engaged during homework time. Even when the kids do not bring homework our TLCs have set up math or spelling games to help keep stay focused on learning.

I think that one of the most important things that we can receive from those around us is the feeling that people enjoy being around us and are enthusiastic about spending time with us. God has been able to show love to the kids at program so far through the TLCs happiness to engage with the kids and be present with them. I think this is particularly exciting for two reasons. Firstly because I'm excited to see how God continues to grow the positive relationships between the TLCs and kids throughout the school year and the summer ahead and secondly because it's cool to think about the way that God has already put the excitement into the TLCs this year to be around the kids at program and to remember the ways that God has already been at work in building community. Thankful for the ways that God brings people together to encourage one another and help one another learn and to know that as our TLC's this year have been invested in this process that God is really invested in it too!